Late at Tate Britain Lunar New Year

Curated by Trâm Nguyen, June Lam and Tate Collective

Friday 9th February 2024 6-10pm

See full programme in photos.

Film screening followed by conversation with Jack Shieh OBE, Quynh Nguyen, Will Pham and Mai-Thi Nguyen. (in the Grand Saloon).

With thanks to Dr Lili Ly and Dr Angela Byrne.

Photos by Tate (Eugenio Falcioni).

“The VMHS provided a bridge between the Vietnamese culture and the NHS that went beyond language translation and provided cultural sensitivity awareness, bilingual counselling and a personal support service. 

It was fascinating to learn that there are no Vietnamese words for mental health and that it is still very stigmatised within the community.

Due to the UK immigration policy of dispersal, many Vietnamese migrants arriving from Hong Kong were isolated in England and didn’t have any support. Women suffered from domestic violence, difficulties supporting children’s education, as well as not speaking the language.

As well as providing language support, and models for supporting migrants which can be replicated by other communities, the VMHS also provided non Eurocentric approaches to therapies, through collective art projects lead by artists.

An inspiring project of collective action and solidarity.”

-Text by Sarah Le Quang Sang (artist, curator, founder of SLQS Gallery)

Film screening followed by conversation with Jack Shieh OBE, Quynh Nguyen, Will Pham and Mai-Thi Nguyen.